Teams Toolkit helps automatically configure Bot Framework with your Teams app – create the project, use Teams Toolkit to configure the dependencies, and Start Debugging (F5) to see the app running in a Teams web client. The Command Bot option makes it simple to build an app that can respond to chat commands and display a customized message in a chat or channel. Quickly build a Teams app that can post a notification to a chat or channel from an ASP.NET Web API or Azure Function trigger using the Microsoft Teams App project template and selecting the Notification Bot application type. Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio makes it simple to get started with apps that embed UI in a tab, notify a channel with a customized message, trigger a task from a chat command, and more.

Using Microsoft Teams as a platform for building apps, you can extend Teams for your app solutions. Read more about all the tooling improvements for. NET Hot Reload you can make changes to your code, save, and see those changes as well. With XAML Hot Reload you can make changes to your UI and see them in the running app right away. Hot Reload, Live Visual Tree and XAML Live Preview speed up your development time by allowing you to apply code changes and see them immediately.

We’ve built tools to help you develop your. NET client apps more efficiently to Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows from a single codebase. You now have full access in the stable product to productivity features that will help you build quicker and ship your. NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) has graduated from preview in Visual Studio and is now available in the release channel of Visual Studio 2022 on Windows. Detect unguarded dereferences of std::optional with static analysis.Limit CPU usage of Visual Studio during C++ build.Compress Uploaded Memorydump from feedback System.Add drag and drop capability to breakpoints.Add “Update All” button to Visual Studio Installer page.17.3 also adds new features as suggested in Developer Community by you! Here’s a list of the items that we are shipping as part of this release and love how we’re adding new functionality based off these suggestions: